18 May, 2009

rino's birthday

been sometime since i last blog, so lets skip those normal routine and just post the more important ones. firstly is rino 21th bday, hereby wish him a happy 21st bday, and thanks for his dinner at the golden "duno what" hotel. i'm sorry, cant remember the name of the hotel lol! it was grand!

graduation day

the last day of my life i get to see ngee ann, HAHA!. the collection of my diploma cert. woohoo~
3 yrs just pass at a blink of eye. omfg, but truthfully, i really enjoy my days in ngee ann, never regret making such wonderful friends. after the graduation ceremony, we went to the alumni to collect our shirt as well as taking our lunch over there. changed and head on to cineleisure to catch angel and demons!

recently, this new show came up. Harper's island. i do recommend this show, it was awesome =D. i like its sound effect, it gave me a sudden shock from time to time. dont miss it ^_^

i loveMICKEY 11:04 PM

20 April, 2009

good day, good weather. but all this slowly disappear. just when i began to turn on my tv, a man shouted.
at first i thought he was scolding his children, and so as a "kpo" Singaporean, i began to look out of the window. To my surprise, he was just 2 floors above me sitting on the ledge. i didnt know what has got into him but one thing for sure, he is emotionally unstable.
count downs made by him were terrified, in fact i was being freak out as well. to imagine that he might be jumping down after the count down make me feel uneasy.
i believe police have came as well, as i heard him asking the police to go away. the best thing i could is not to be a busybody and start looking at him. it might sounds cruel by saying why arent i helping him and yet hiding inside the house of mine? but i ask myself, what can i do?
going to the kitchen, staying at the living room seems to be hell for me. like i said, in any moment he might jump down and what if, i see his body falling down and then a loud "Boom". it will cause me to be traumatise. till now, they are still aruging about stuffs, i hope for the best.

i loveMICKEY 2:41 PM

06 April, 2009

yea~~ i am sorry my beloved OLD laptop.
my new HP laptop arrive today=D i am sooo happy.

i loveMICKEY 12:17 AM

28 March, 2009

Happy bday to my dear sharyl =D. her 20th birthday!

it has been sometime since i last blog, so recently i went to jurong west swimming complex for a tann. weird things happen all the time dont they? so there was this uncle( estimated age of 40) was cruising around in the swimming pool toilet AGAIN. i used the word again because this is the second time i saw him inside. he is sooo gay, would take a peek at you when you;re dressing you yourself up. so becareful when you go to swim. take extra precaution, you never know when he will strike lol!

i loveMICKEY 1:07 AM

16 March, 2009

NTU open house!! therefore i go with my gd fren, knd. he doesnt look at the sign board therefore i took this pic to show him sometimes we must look at the sign board.

so as we were touring around the school, he came across with this student union girl, and she gave him a singtel brochure and to my surprise, he go and ask this student union lady "HOW MUCH IS THE SINGTEL PLAN". LOL i was like huh? she's not from singtel my dear fren lol!

after the open house, we head to suntec for the It fair since i am getting a laptop. it was bloody full with humans!

i loveMICKEY 1:50 PM

13 March, 2009

3rd day in tioman

the activities for the 3rd way was to visit the waterfall over there.when we speak of waterfall, i expect a humongous fall of water splashing down to the earth. well, that's only what i expected. but the truth is, the waterfall over there wasn't that spectator. but it wasnt that bad afterall. at least i had fun. the water that splashes down was awefully cold. jus nice for my sunburned skin.
for the night event, we will suppose to come up with some performances for the talent time night, so our group sang "fall for you" and a chinese song "xiao wei" specially delicated to 1 of the teacher that brought us to tioman.

4th day in tioman.

pack up, and get my ass back to singapore! i miss tioman~

i loveMICKEY 1:24 PM

12 March, 2009

wake up, brush my teeth and head for breakfast. daily routine. when i step out of the chalet, the blazing sun is waiting for us. the theme for today is snorkling and so, we went to 3 place to snorkle and a place to shop.
first station: we are somehow near an island and beautiful corals are everywhere with colorful fishes? the fishes over there are too colorful.
2nd station: we are on some floating platform

3rd station: on the way to duty free shop~~~
and lastly the 4th station:we are in the middle of nowhere lol!

after the exhuasting day, i head back to our room and rest.. sunburned as well.

i loveMICKEY 12:53 PM

JIANJIN's profile

I'm Born to be called Poon Jian JIn, 08/Sep/87 is the date that i arrive to this world, currently in NP.
I'm kinda simple, so i love all gd characters people and hate bad character people.
Kpo is my personality which i cant be help with.
Friendly or not is up to you to decide Bcoz i cant judge for u.
Sleeping is my job, dota is my hobby, would like to meet dota pros, my IGN for bnet is voodoosnake, add mi up!

Again - Natasha Bedingfield r MyFriendster
Shao wei


rino's birthdaybeen sometime since i last blog, so...
r good day, good weather. but all this slowly disapp...
r YOU HAVE BEEN REPLACED!yea~~ i am sorry my beloved...
r Happy bday to my dear sharyl =D. her 20th birthday...
r NTU open house!! therefore i go with my gd fren, k...
r tioman!
r 2nd day in tioman
r 1st day to tioman
r back to school and stuff, seeing the pitiful faces...
r i cant wait till next wk!.. tioman!


Layout: 17degrees / CS2
Image: Disney
Brushes: Miss M